Monday, February 7, 2011

February 8

The biggest assignment of the semester so far is due on Friday. Your teacher is nowhere to be found and the clock is ticking. Career Lesson #147 (for which there is no curricular standard): Don't Panic. This is a lousy week for any of us to get sick, but the show must go on. That's why I'm posting the Career/Research Portfolio requirements (see next post). This is your checklist to make sure your portfolio is complete. We've discussed each element and I've even collected drafts of a few, so even though I'm not there you should have no trouble finishing by Friday. I should be back on Wednesday, so you'll get your cover letters back with two days to revise as needed. I will ask tomorrow's substitute to return your lists of resources and TIP write-ups. Remember to find the MLA guide in the back of your textbook to format your bibliography; I'll also take questions on this in class when I get back. Tomorrow (and on your own, if necessary) you should complete a draft of your email to your future self. I'll give you the website instructions etc. when I see you on Wednesday. By Thursday you should only have some light typing and printing left. If you run into trouble, crowd source your question here on the blog, ask a classmate, or send me an email. As for tomorrow, I'll miss you. Try and convince the substitute teacher that you are in fact the wonderful people I say you are.

Describe a time when you felt panic but later felt foolish about it. What accounted for the change in your perspective?

1. Journal
2. Work on your portfolio (Future Me email, TIP write-ups, research paper, and/or anything else you need to complete)
3. Literature Analysis #3 reading (If you haven't found a book yet, find one and remember to bring it to class whether I'm there or not)

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