Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Analyzing your Time Investment Portfolio

HOW TO ANALYZE YOUR TIME INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO (use this for your 1-2 pp. write-up and turn in with your actual TIP in the final portfolio)

1. Imagine your IDEAL week. How many hours would you sell, give, spend, and pass?
2. Total your ACTUAL weekly time investment totals; how many hours did you sell,give, spend and pass?
3. Did any of the totals from #2 surprise you? Explain.
4. Was there a significant difference between weekdays and the weekend? Explain.
5. Was there a significant “one-time” event that changed your time investment
patterns? Explain.
6. Does your time investment support the SMART goal you have in mind? How? Can
you tweak either your time investment or your goal to lessen your stress and
increase your effectiveness? How?
7. Describe how understanding your use of time helped you think about your goal(s)
in a different way.

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